“Oceanic Offshore provides commercial air diving services for the mining oil and gas sectors, vessel operators, environmental companies and various other marine contractors.”

Employee Induction

Oceanic Offshore Employee Induction Questionnaire

In what year was Oceanic Offshore Pty Ltd Established?
What are the office opening hours?
What are the employee’s legal duties?
Where are the First Aid Kits kept?
Where is the Muster Point?
Where do you find fire and emergency information?
When should incidents be reported?
What has the Hazard Register been used to identify?
Safe Work Practices are available..?
Which of the following is correct?
Oceanic Offshore’s attitude to Drugs and Alcohol is?
What does the smoking policy include
What are some of the onsite job requirements?
Oceanic Offshore is certified to which Quality Standard?
What is required before a company vehicle maybe utilised?